E-ISSN: 2791-7835
Isolated Giant Splenic Hydatid Cyst Treated with Spleen-Sparing Surgery
1Department of General Surgery, Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
Lokman Hekim Health Sciences 2022; 2(1): 35-39 DOI: 10.14744/lhhs.2021.10003
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Isolated splenic hydatid cyst is a very rare parasitic infection. This case report presents the diagnosis and treatment process of giant splenic hydatid cyst treated with open spleen-sparing surgery. A 27-year-old female patient presented to the general surgery clinic with abdominal complaints. On computed tomography scan, she had a mass, 150 × 130 × 100 mm in size, at the medial side of the spleen. Spleen-sparing surgery was applied to the patient, who seemed to have a splenic hydatid cyst in the preoperative examinations. The patient was discharged without complications on the fourth postoperative day. Postoperative pathology was compatible with hydatid cyst. Albendazole treatment continued for two more months postoperatively.

Isolated Giant Splenic Hydatid Cyst Treated with Spleen-Sparing Surgery
1Erzurum Bölge Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Erzurum
Lokman Hekim Health Sciences 2022; 1(2): 35-39 DOI: 10.14744/lhhs.2021.10003

İzole dalak hidatik kisti çok nadir görülen bir parazitik enfeksiyonudur. Bu olgu sunumunda açık dalak koruyucu cerrahi ile tedavi edilen dev dalak kist hidatik tanı ve tedavi süreci sunulmaktadır. 27 yaşında kadın hasta karın şikayetleri ile genel cerrahi polikliniğine başvurdu. Bilgisayarlı tomografide dalağın medial tarafında 150*130*100 mm boyutlarında kitle vardı. Preoperatif tetkiklerde dalak kist hidatik düşünülen hastaya dalak koruyucu cerrahi uygulandı. Hasta postoperatif dördüncü günde komplikasyonsuz olarak taburcu edildi. Postoperatif patoloji kist hidatik ile uyumluydu. Albendazol tedavisine postoperatif 2 ay daha devam edildi.